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  ** Inspired Fragrance Information:

For your enlightenment. Fragrance Names, Trademarks and Copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers. Our inspired fragrances are NOT to be confused with the original Perfume names.Beyond Scents has no affiliation or association with these manufacturers/designers. Our versions of these fragrances were created through many hours of trial and error testing and re-formulating of our ingredients to produce fragrances that are pleasing to our customers.

Our efforts are not intended, to mislead, or confuse our customers or infringe on the manufacturers/designer's name and valuable trademark. Simply put, our fragrances "rhyme" with the original scents.Should you have any concern or hesitation, regarding our fragrances, we encourage you to seek out the original perfumes, if they are still available.

From our 23 years of experience, we have noted, when a fragrance is blended with a lotion, or any body product, it is possible that the scent may change slightly. This is true for all fragrances, not just the inspired ones. (However, very rarely an issue.)

Note: We use pure fragrance oils, not perfume with alcohol added. Our pure oil scents will last much longer. You may find that you will use less and it may take a few minutes (on your skin) for your familiar scent to be appreciated. Enjoy!

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In Business 23 Years